Activity 1

Complete your media landscape and then take this explore activity on PADLET!!! 

What is Media Literacy for you?

Share with your peers!!!! Write a short text. You may wish to add a picture or a video!!!! 

Activity 2

What do you know about the Communication Process?

The communication process is relatively simple and is divided into three basic components: a sender, a channel, and a receiver. The sender will initiate the communication process by developing an idea into a message. This is also known as encoding. The sender will then transmit the message through a channel, or a method of delivery; think of things like e-mail, phone conversations, instant messages, face-to-face discussion, or even a text message. The message then moves through the channel to the receiver, who completes the communication process by interpreting and assigning meaning to the message, which is also known as decodingNow, since most communication exchanges involve a continued dialogue between senders and receivers, a feedback loop was added to the communication process. The feedback loop is a critical component in the communication process because it ensures a message was properly received and interpreted by the other party. 

PLAY Kahoot! with your peers and become media literate!!!!

Activity 3

Can you tell fact from fiction?

Read the text!

Real or Not? Did the Bear Chase the Snowboarder? (2016, April 13).

Go to our Google shared document and add your comment!!!!

Activity 4

Bias in the Media

a. by omission
b. by placement
c. by spin

A. Watch the video (from English for Media Literacy, Coursera)

B. These two paragraphs describe the same situation. The first is written with language that has positive connotations or neutral (not positive or negative) connotations. The second paragraph is written with language that has negative connotations. Read the paragraphs and then check how media literate you are by taking the quiz!

Positive or Neutral Connotations:
Yesterday, the mayor announced that she is recommending significant changes to the city’s transportation laws. She is requesting a small increase in the gasoline tax. This tax increase will affect some people unevenly: car owners will pay more than others. The mayor said that she hopes the tax increase will encourage more people to ride the city bus instead of choosing to drive their own cars. She admits that the change will cause some inconvenience to a few people, but said her top priority is to reduce pollution from cars.
Negative Connotations:
Yesterday we learned that the mayor is pushing for extreme changes to the city’s transportation laws. She is demanding an excessive hike to the gasoline tax. This tax increase will burden some people unfairly: car owners will pay more than others. The mayor wants to force more people to ride the city bus instead of letting them drive their own cars. She knows that this change will cause major annoyances to lots of people, but she wants to ignore their problems.

Activity 5

Can you identify fake news?
Watch this video and find out what the FLAGS are!

Retrieved from here

Now that you know-how-to, let's create a poster to help our school community learn how to discern!!!!

Activity 6

Target Audiences of Advertisements
Watch the video and answer the questions in class. 

Now you can take the quiz and check your media literacy! You have to match the target audience with the product!

A more detailed outline of the course is available here

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